After Emmanuel Adebayor’s “performance” against Arsenal I thought it necessary to take some serious action. You can see the video and photos below or via this LINK.
Cheers to my housemates Annie and Michael for helping me out on this one…
Huzzah! I’ll have another post for you a little later today.
Have your say on the burning of my Emmanuel Adebayor Arsenal shirt by leaving a comment.
Well done mate, you’re cleansed!
Great Job, Dude.. i salute u! we will not let a TWAT bring down our moral, we are a firing squad! yeh~
thats some so real.
we should all do some like that globally. i love it.
A bit silly, if anything you should have burned it anyways as that away kit was garbage.
We all feel the same, well done!
Contempt is all i feel for the S***
u should have burn him instead
SF Gooner – you’re taking the piss yeah? I love that kit, especially with Cesc on the back! How about you donate any and all of your kits and we will distribute them to people who like them perhaps?
it looks better when it is burned
I know your intentions are well, but burning the Arsenal Crest isn’t cool.
I loved that kit tbh, prefer it over our yellow away kit.
Helps that I have Rosicky #7 on it though 😉
well done, i don’t mind about his celebration but no insane man would do what he was trying to to the players, as if they were his enemies of life time….
i wish i could burn…….
but the boss will keep us on paying the price for his own policy failure…till he changes his mind……
well done mate !
Who’d have known Adebayor’s shirt was an Oxygen thief too! Great work mate.
It was white…
Thanks to everyone for the words of support. I’m just waiting for some angry City fans to come on and abuse me.
sure thing Andy! Adebayor should go to hell just like his damn jersey, hee hee hee!!!!!!!!
You Rock
fck adebayor and man city “the city of biiiitttcccchhhhheeeesssss”
Young man, why on earth would you burn an Arsenal shirt?
Scratch his name off the back, but don’t burn the shirt!
Like where your heart is though.
I Would like to see all evidence of the Togo Twat removed from the Emirates!
Fuck Adebayor we’ve got Ashavin
cool…good job…
go to hell adebayor…
booed forever to him…
great guy, let all arsenal fans all over the world do the same thing u did. that will teach the bastard a lessons that u should be great to the club to brought him to limelight.
I can’t believe how childish this is. It smacks of the same blind fanaticism shown by Muslim extremists. I am ashamed of you. Show some intelligence and maturity please – you are a gooner, not an ignorant Manc.
Haha, classic! and welcome back.
just a piece of advice when burning adebayor jerseys beware of the flying debris(kick)to the side of the head.Make sure you invest in a face guard.Nice job especially the end product.
where is my shirt i want to smoke ittt.
Fuckin’ brilliant!!
// Andy from Sweden
Even Though it was just an kit with Sitibayor written. It was just so pleasing to watch. Just waiting for him to come at Emirates. This is what he deserves total disgrace to arsenal history. Just can’t believe his name will appear in arsenal history books. Arsenal made him what he is. We never thought he would respect arsenal and it supporters. But also never thought he would disrespect us in this way. What an looser. Can’t Forget his act for my life.
Weber you skinny bastard, get some meat on those bones!
Nice take on Arsenal’s home shorts too!
@ Paulette – It’s just a bit of fun. I would never want Adebayor to burn, just his shirt. I would never wish ill to a fellow human being.
why not burn adebayor’s city kit instead? what you’ve done is understandable, but we hated him since he moved to city right?
@ Anon – How would I get hold of a City kit? I’m not going to fork out $100 just to burn a kit…
like to see dog poo on his name instead.
good point..but it will show on how we really hated him by sacrificing $
That Adeboy is brainless. May be there is a bit of madness in his history. That injury on RVP, untill now I still cant understand why. May be he will blame the city fans after six match ban.
Am I missing something here?supposing we won that game would we be reacting in the same way?
Lets face it: we were beaten by a well organized and solid ManCity side who capitalized on our defensive lapses.For how long will we continue wishing and talking of “IFs”…..only “ïf” so and so hadn’t hit the post, or the ref this and that…..Three more loses and we are done in my opinion.
And on Ade:Am not holding brief for him but personally I will not judge him.While at Arsenal you can tell from the way he’s been talking that his confidence took a battering because of the behaviour of you and me against him at a time when he needed our support and methinks this match presented the perfect opportunity for him to prove his worth and make his point that he is still a good striker
I doubt whether he’ll be penalised for the RVP incident by the way. It is RVP who went for Ade in the first place with both feet and studs up.And Ade reacted in the same way Song did after that malicious tackle from Ade.Infact to me the one against Song was more sinister than against RVPs.
And just out of curiosity; are we branding him a monkey because of his roots or beacuse of his actions which have nothing to do with the former?
the only way to sink ade is to win the EPL and made him regret to ever turn his back from arsenal and the fans..hell yea we can do it!!
Hello Paullete, i’m arsenal fan as well, and i hate what Seyi did even though we are 4rm d same country Nigeria ( Togolese bastard) but never associate seyi altitude with muslim society again in your life becos what he did is worst than Evil… Let him come 2 Emirate we show him what he lack…
That was cool and funny my bro!!!
Anyway, he deserves something like that. something that I just wanna point out here is that Adebayor is not the only former Arsenal player angry against Arsenal fans and might have even left Arsenal becos of its fans (May be!!!) but Anelka also is a former Arsenal player angry to GonnersFans, and I quote what he said: ” ..What i didnt like with Arsenal is their FANS, and id like to punish them…!!”,We may remember the way that the Arsenal fans treated E-BOOOU-EH at the emirates last season.Sometimes, I beleive that we also have to admit what we ve done wrong and Ade was really badly treated by the fans last season bcos of his temporary uggly performance (might have been caused by the injury!!) but also Untimely placed which has occured during the worst Arsenal season of the decades.What he did was wrong!! I must admit.And even myself, I cant wait to see the burnt Mancity back to the Emirates.But for those London Gooners who have said that Adebayor is a dead man in London is quite over reacted to me.Lets proove them on the pitch that we are better team and lets make him thirsty of his Arsenal shirt again.Lets not forget the good things he has done for us as AW said.
you big baby – haven’t you got better things to do with your time?
Should have given him the stick first then burned, (only the shirt though)anyway brilliant video
I know how you feel Andy. I think Adebayor has unwisely lumped all the Arsenal fans together as if we aren’t individuals in our own right. A lot of fans still stuck up for him right to the end even though he didn’t deserve any love after his public courtship of Barca and AC. I don’t agree with the chants he gets at all but I think he has forgotten everyone who made him.
Money was the motivating factor – this is a guy who complains about the London congestion charge. His ego became too big, he lost all sense of reality and decency. Jenny from the block he wasn’t.
andy why no comment regarding the racist comment left by kanye?? kayne if you ever called me a nigger i would knock you out then when you came round knock you out again!! there is no need to call anyone a nigger. what ever your opinion of madebayor to call him a classless nigger is not acceptable at any time!!!
@Mimi Wenu, I fully agree with all your statements but please dont mention something racist-y like this.Half of the Arsenal squad are all Black African origin, and they have been always supported by their fans since the time of Viera,Kanu,Henry, Lauren (Who have been some of the most beloved Arsenal player of all time), I dont really beleive that the world Gunners fans are racist.
Who are you Sig??
@Sig, of course ive got but who are u btw?
Enough of Ade shit can we talk about Dudu(Eduado) return (d lift of ban) , return of Rosicky and combination of Fabpass(best passer of d ball), Rosi (fully fit better than Messi), Arshavin(Russian witch) ,Eduado(natural goal poucher) and V.parse( dutch master) on d field at ago deadly than Barca stricky force…
We have to make sure ManShitty dotn’t finish above us
I like!
I saw many of our own fans calling our players names, what did they ever do to you? They might not be what you want but we didn’t buy them with a high price tag…and they’re still very young…
Wenger has many flaws recently, tactically i’d like him to be more opened with his selection…and he could save himself alot of headaches with a couple more players..
But I don’t WAIT for MY team to lose and then come out…fine but don’t celebrate when be got it right and we win then.
This week’s focus should be on how we lost and that scum…I don’t see alot of you depressers single him out like you did with wenger and players…and why the Hell is that???
That bitch did to us much much worse…he showed us all a finger and criminally tried to hurt our best players…but no, Wenger is a bigger cunt to you.
Sometimes, I wish you would look at yourselves of how you treated your own team, manager, and own fans…we all love to win, but we don’t wait for failure just to come out and have a few cracks at the man…
If we don’t win I know ill see you again but when we do win something whenever it may come, where will u be then?
We have rights to support and believe…
In reply to the gloomers:
My belief is also long long overdue…if you let me choose any particular 10 year period in club’s history, it is Wenger’s ten years.
Are we that bad?
Anti-Wenger really believe in themselves to be intelligent fans who look down in their fellow supporters…while I like Wenger’s tactics and doings less lately, I still believe we re a unique club which don’t and will never follow anything or anyone.
We played ugly to win in a time of beautiful-craving era led by Ajax…we played beautifully in a time of only-winning matters…
Have we become a club in which we need to win to justify everything? And with all the talks about failure, A LOT of people forgot that in this so called bad time we reached a CL final, reached a mickey mouse cup with kids, and came mighty close to win the league before injuries led by Eduardo ruined everything?
No, this is not an excuse to love Wenger, it’s just that I see potential there, a potential to win it our own way that drives me to believe….what if we spend 100 mil on 5 players and not win? And win? Are we like Chelski and the new richy rich? Do u want to us to be?
You tell us to see the past 4 years….why don’t you look at 10 years then? Why don’t u look at how we lost in CL final that we all suffered together? Whose fault is that? We’ve become what we are by making profits on players, winning trophies more than any other team but man u on the way? We re a failing club only if you want us to be…
Go ahead ask for Wenger’s head if you gave a gut…but I believe no one will. Hiddink?? Wow, no thanks.
I saw many of our own fans calling our players names, what did they ever do to you? They might not be what you want but we didn’t buy them with a high price tag…and they’re still very young…
Wenger has many flaws recently, tactically i’d like him to be more opened with his selection…and he could save himself alot of headaches with a couple more players..
But I don’t WAIT for MY team to lose and then come out…fine but don’t celebrate when be got it right and we win then.
This week’s focus should be on how we lost and that scum…I don’t see alot of you depressers single him out like you did with wenger and players…and why the Hell is that???
That bitch did to us much much worse…he showed us all a finger and criminally tried to hurt our best players…but no, Wenger is a bigger cunt to you.
Sometimes, I wish you would look at yourselves of how you treated your own team, manager, and own fans…we all love to win, but we don’t wait for failure just to come out and have a few cracks at the man…
If we don’t win I know ill see you again but when we do win something whenever it may come, where will u be then?
We have rights to support and believe…
Paulette, i agree with you 100%. Andy you should be ashamed of yourself. All you have done is given the go ahead for swine like kayne to air his honnest felt views. With vomit like him as a so called supporter maybe Ade was right to want to leave. What a discrase you are. I can never understand why you do this in england. Deep down inside is this really your true colours showing its ugly head. In my whole life i have never called anyone names like that. Why does it come so easy for, i dont understand.
well let him got hell, we stell the gunner’s of yestoday…. tooday
and forever we will be. i heli all my people, mostly riskey god bless you, and entre player’s. bye to you all.
@ theicehammer – I’m a little confused about what you’ve said. I’ve never called him any names…
Wow! Tony,
I certainly pity the tax payers of whatever country you are from as the money has clearly been wasted on your education.
Just wish we had more to talk about than Adebayor. Scary that we were so well beaten in the end and leaked 4 goals. The real issue is that despite early season optimism we are just not good enough and are showing the exact same defensive naievity as last season. It’s a shame.
Ahmed what are you talking about man. Your making a fool of yourself and your people.
Nice to have you back, Andy. I had to lough. I take it as a symbolic gesture to express feelings. Nothing more. I agree with radads. You would surley feel in another way if Arsenal would have won the match. I hope too, that Adebayor will be punished because of his ruhtlessnes and provocant behaviour. But let’s it up to FA, and ignore him. Concentrating on the positives is always the best. And there are always positives. You know. I’m waiting for your match comment.
Don’t know why anyone would buy an ade shirt in the first place. Fair play for burning it though.
@ theicehammer – Can you explain your second to last comment please?
Mimi, respect to you and your words. Is this inciteable comment ment to help Arsenal win the prem. You supporters are so short on recent success and control of which direction your team is heading in you begin to act like fanatics. Supporting the hammers i have had far far worse than you but i still maintain my respect for others when at upton park and beleive you me i have had more than my fair share of players leaving for what ever reason. Grow up. Lets get back to talking football and how if we were the manager what we would do, because in reality thats really all we can do.
where’s the like button 🙂 nice video
Andy, see kayne 6:53pm. I did not mean to give the impression you called anyone names. Im just a little shocked of the course of action you have taken to show your anger towards Ade. Im crazy about football and my Westham, but that depth of resentment or negative emotion you hold within you towards what is only a football player does not exsist in me.
ravi & icehammer have excellent points.
The culture of booing and calling players name is wrong, and is not part of a good fan culture.
Adebayor is a royal cunt and his behaviour has been serially despicable but he’s often gotten as good as he’s given.
Right from his 30-goal season, there were people calling him Adebarndoor and ridiculing him. Long before any Beyonce controversies.
Hate directed at players can lead to situations like these when things get out of hand.
You bunch of sad twats! Fuckin grow up.Football is a for everybody & not just you wankers.
If arsenal bought a player from another and he did what Adebayor did you lot would have backed him all the way. You are just pissed off that you now have a shit team & are going to win fuck all! Get over it you tossers!!!!!!!
That’s why I never buy a shirt with a name on it, mind you I now have the Champions League shirt with Henry 14 and Barcelona shirt with Henry 14 on but both were bought through ebay and after he had left Arsenal. I will never burn those shirts.
would’ve done the same!
all you people that are craping on andy for doin this are lame as
have you never burned old homework or exams?
its not like hes got a use for it anymore! let it burn!
adebeyor is a cunt who took a massive step back in his career because hes a lazy arse.
any1 who really thinks man city will top arsenal are way in over their heads.
adebeyor is a joke and all the trouble he caused at arsenal will soon come to man city anyway
looking forward to pumping liege on thurs morn.
Glad to have you back and I hope you had a good holiday.
Can anything be done about the colourful language. Bluemoon pls use different words. I suppose you would also have to change your post name. By the way, what is a twat!
Do the Gooners think the centre half positions are tight and secure enough and if not who should Wenger perchase in January.
Baz, i must say old chap i do burn my utilitiy bills at the end of every 3 months and the odd chip while watching the footy on the box.
@ICE – ADE is a shame, you have ur views…..ANDY is just doing what he wants to. This all has noyhing to do with any religion or anything at all like that.
So please will you all RELAX? or Shut up if you have nothing better to say than react foolishly to what ANDY did.
If you cant enjoy it……PLEASE SHUT UP.
This is my best blog….NOTHING will spoil it.
If you have anything to contribute about the team, just post it…….else just read what others are saying.
@ theicehammer – Totally missed ‘Kanye’s’ comment and have now deleted it. Sorry for that.
@ICE – I read that again, only the first paragraph was meant for you.
Should’ve addressed that properly, hope u aren’t mad?
I actually love ur comments
just throwing it out there, am i the only one wishing sanderos was closer in the wings to back up than silvestre
im sure other people think this
as silvestre is rubbish
sanderos played for the reserves recently.
Adebayour can suck dick for all I care.He brought all this to himself pledging loyalty to Arsenal at one time and flirting with Barca at the same time.Clearly no respect to Arsenal.Have u ever seen Anelka celebrated when he scored againts us?
I watched the game from the comfort of my lounge. IT was good. But then when Adebayor i lost it. Not so much that my pants turned purple and i turned green… you wouldnt like me when i am angry. But i did end up taking my anger out on an invasive spider. Disillusioned after the news of Djourou and that game
Dude, salute u.
dat was too bad 4rm a man who knows so much about arsenal profile.Ade was not treated fairly while in arsenal & in return decided to be rough wit former team mate but dat was not too gud of him,cos arsenal made him who he his today,so sud respect the club dat gave so much to become great player even he was making missing goals here& there, he was still giving the chance to show the world the stouf he was made of.
@Gunnerboss and @Andy Im cool with that.
With that out of the way do you Gooners think that Wenger should adopt a slightly more conservative offense in the midfield. This is exactally where Djourou would have come in.
while i can appreciate the gesture behind the jersey burning i hav to say i was dissapointed and surprised as this is not a good representation of what we are as fans of a great football club..yeah he did wrong but i feel we are only empowering him more and addin more fuel to the fire by persisting with this and its only deflecting away from the obvious problems were having at the moment…from wot iknow of you andy i would say this was done on impulse and would not hold it against you but on hindsight maybe you wil see it as a mistake to be burning an arsenal crest just to make a point to an individual who has no respect or loyalty outside of his own deluded selfish bubble…for any outside fans to see this now it will only make us look like we really did mistreat him and that he was right to rub our noses in it and that was not the case.
the underlying feeling here is that fans are frustrated with the team and adebayours just been used as a scapegoat for alot of you to blow off some steam…the facts are we are well short of competing for honours again this year and whilst winning is certainly not a must for me,as a fan you want to see that the manager and board are at least trying to move us in the right direction and this is where i feel both parties have been shortsighted and mistaken and we are now gonna hav to buy another arshavin type signing in january to panic and scrape our way to 4th place if were lucky.i love wenger and do not want any1 else anytime soon but i hav seen his stubborn and slightly arrogant side in recent years by his refusal to take the calculated risk on quality and experience instead of signing kids and like-minded players and clones such as rosicky,RvP,nasri,arsha,diaby,etc who all represent the same type of player and lack physicality and bite.
@ravi- i appreciate wot uv said but i hope wot iv stated above will give you an indicaton of the feeling that for the majority of us we dont hav an insatiable appetite for trophies but just with the emergence of all these money driven clubs that the people who have the power do their best to maintain our status and competitiveness do their upmost and that this relentless fascination with provin we can be champions with a team purchased for half nothing as kids should be examined and maybe aided by a bit more positive activity in the market for experienced and seasoned players as i feel missin out on quality and value such as shay given last year,especially as we hav the hapless concrete footed almunia as our current no.1, as a crime and once again shows a glaring blindspot on behalf of the manager.
this is a football site and our fans are among the fairest and clued-in fans around so lets come and debate and ignore these ignorant racist opinions and any outside idiot upstart opposition fans feeble attempts at getting their cheap thrills…
arsenal forever
@ shambo – Some good points mate but at the end of the day the burning was about fun. No need for anyone to take it too seriously.
@ shambo – I should also add that this has nothing to do with frustration about the team. It is about Adebayor and Adebayor alone. I’m actually quite happy with the way the team is going and I think we’re looking good despite two unfortunate losses against good teams. The league is strong this year and there is a long, long way to go. All the big teams will be dropping points and we’ve had a very tough start to the season.
@georgetown gooner
again i write…my previous comment when i call ade as monkey…i didnt mean to be racist and i never meant anything regarding his skin colour….i just forgot about racism and i hate racism too…i just too upset of what ade did to the fans and our players…thats all… sorry if i hurt everyone here and we r arsenal fans and we have the same hearts and desire…peace
nice 1 and i can appreciate that then mate.maybe the team and squad frustrations are solely my own,i just thought after the scare we got last season that more would be done to make us a force this year and banish any chance of a repeat, but we hav let our competition for the vital CL spot improve while we hav stood still…and if our financial restraints are to be believed wot direction would we go in without the vital CL generated funds and can we keep promising cesc,arsha,RvP and sagna that we can win trophies, as whilst we as fans can be patient it is trophies and medals that these guys want at the end of their relatively short carreers
Damn what a waste could give it to me, I could have auction it off. Heh. Hi Annie 🙂
@helmi03 yr messed up my system.
Shambo tops as usual. @Andy when was the last time the league wasn’t strong, its been this way the past 4-5 years and you must have some unique faith to be quite happy in the way the team is going. @Baz, i think its a shame that a fantastic club like this has to reach down to the bare bones so early in the season. What makes it so frustrating is that so many bloggers could smell the possibility before Wenger and had been crying for add assistance during the transfer window.
@Young Gooner, honest question, why do you have this type of language as part of your volcabulary
Ha! Hey, S.F. – it’s your kit and you’re well within your rights to do with it as you see fit. I think burning it was a perfectly fitting gesture! Half serious, and half tongue in cheek, I think. I like some of the other suggestions, too: 1) Remove the crest, first. 2) Keep the shirt, but XXX out the name on the back.
Anyway, cheers to you, and COME ON GUNNERS!
@Shambo or any other fan, would you understand it if another player decided to jump ship because of the lack of investment by Wenger. Remembering what Shambo said about a short career for the players and taking into consideration that we can remain fans of our clubs for 60 years or more.
@icehammer-cheers the way pal there are some indiviuals who you shoud not dignify with responses or try to understand as they are ignorant…it is a waste of energy…stick to those who come on this site for the right reasons…by the way would i be wrong in saying that carlton cole is ur only fit goalscorer at the moment?
@Bruce in Atlanta, what do supporters think of the Galaxys Mr David Beckham. I watched the game over the week end but was not impressed with him.
Mais Bien Sur
C’est Magnifique! Sur le table!
Tres Bien
Well played andy.. well played
Adebayor is a shitbag…
SF,gud one man.i know how ur feeln.Im thinking it would be a good thing if all the gunners placed our Moneybayor jerseys in Australia and waited 4 those bush fires to come and consume them……
@SHAMBO – the team and squad frustrations cant be solely urs.
We all trust in WENGER, but you and ICEHAMMER were especially very objective in ur pre-season assessment of the squad. This is why I appreciate ur comments a lot.
@ICE – thanks…now to ur question. I would feel we need to balance the squad this way….
Let FABS use his head more while attacking, players should be watching out for each other(Covering). Let ROSICKY do all the damage instead- I say we give him the free role. FABS can attack arrogantly when we play lesser teams, not when we play experienced teams like …. and he should play slightly in front of SONG. ROSICKY plays in front of both of them, not on the side as this stretches the squad a lot. Let the wingers attack and defend, but let the middle be steady, creating and countering attacks at will. This way we can show our strength more, instead of trying too hard to overwhelm the opposition without caring about any counters and so on….anybody seen BARCA midfield?
@Shambo, bare bones mate, should he get injured were in deeeeeeep shit. Did you see the disallowed goal on Saturday. The ball was travelling towards the open net and the ref blew up for half time. All Carlton could was laugh. We were so unlucky, in hitting the woodwork twice. Were beginning to slide down the table, things not looking to good. Just hope the boo boys dont return. What the latest SP on young Djourou. Is it true he could be away until March. i think he could have made your offensive play slightly more conservative when pushing forward. Its a shame.
im 25 and have been playing at a modest but competitive irish sunday league club at senior level since i was 15 and hav one medal to show for it,this being my hometown club i see this as a huge underacheivement and my playing years are running out…so i can only imagine wot cesc,RvP,arsha and co are feeling as they are foreign and only loyalty to our club is dependant on their individual integrity,of which so far there could be no question, but with all that gibberish iv just spoken taken into account theres no way i could fault cesc for returning to his hometeam barca if he were to do so next summer and with the likes of arshaa,only at the club 5 months in july, publicly sayin the manager needed to strenghtin you feel maybe we might play ourselves into big trouble.but like i said i for one would not blame ANY current arsenal player for leaving to go to a more ambitious club with realistic chances of silverware,had you asked me that question in june mate my answer would hav been different but the shocking inactivity this summer has left a bitter taste
When Clichy overlaps, SONG has to be able to cover for him, and FABS has to watch it, so he could do same for SONG.
We conceeded the second goal against CITY cos there was no one looking out for BELLAMY…everyone was in front already when clichy missed the ball…SONG covered for clichy and VERMALEN went to help out too….unfortunately, the ball was passed at speed for BELLAMY while GALLAS was with the idiot ADE. If someone had covered for SONG, he would never have that chance. CITY were excellent in finishing, but we tried to dominate the game….I would’ve preferred if we sat back and did the counter attacks. I think we should start playing clever football and stop playing video game football.
@gunnerboss, not sure about MF but watch out for BOJAN KRKIC PEREZ. All i can say is fuck me the kid is a baller!
Yeah, he’s very good. Thats why they sell HLEB and ETO
@gunnerboss- well said and completely true,an opposition fan recently told me that technically wer easily the best in the league but when it comes to the stuff you cant be thaught wer the worst,that wev too many players that cant think for themselves in certain scenarios and panic.
he also said we must hav a gang of pot smokers because some guys concentration and demeanor had that of mouth-open dozey headed potheads,namely almunia,senderos,diaby and song….he said he didnt know wot bendtner and eboue wer on…kinda had to laugh at that
Thanks SHAMBO, I see what they do on the pitch. I dont know what WENGER sees.
@gunnerboss, Da Silva,Marquez Alvarez, Xavier what a name, Anderes Iniesta Lujan, the Zaltan Ibrahim cant spell the rest, the lion Messi, Yaya Toure, Milito could have been at the Emirates and the great Jesep or Pepe Guardiola.
Beleive it or not, 5 seasons ago Wenger had the team playing electric sexy footy just as Barcelona are now, maybe with even more pase and cutting edge. Thats why im so frustrated.
We lost to MANURE cos of this,now CITY?
When we were leading MANURE, i felt we should’ve changed our unpredictable pattern a bit. Confuse them in the process and think of changes for Christ’s sake.
Actually, I still feel if we had FABS then, we would never have lost that game….I mean we were on a roll, confidence was very very high.
CITY was there for the taking, we all saw it, but the players were excited, WENGER included. We needed to do that diligently.
When I saw FABS in the starting line up, I said good, we’re gonna win….but he just went forward too much.
He needs to learn to balance the team with experienced players, he had opportunities like SHAMBO mentioned earlier about GIVEN…5mil, who can believe that?
Now, he’s not even playing WILSHERE, if he spots a talent, let him play the guy regularly.
Why is our best finisher not in the starting line-up?
We need electric players on the wings, not people that need encouragement.
Everyday, different people show different attitudes. Why did CITY not play ROBINHO or TEVEZ? Why did ENGLAND stop playin OWEN? Why did WENGER play ADE even when he knew he was no-where near full fitness in the champs league semis?
These are the answers
But then at Upton Park we do have names like Green, would you have him at the Emerates. C Cole, the great ex gooners LUIS BOA MORTE and M UPSON, Luis Jimenez, Julien Faubert, Manuel Da Costa, Zavon Hines and Junior Stanislas are names to look out for in the future.
You absolute sad retard, made me laugh more than I should. What a pathetic life you must have.
I am surprised they let you near fire, was your carer on lunch or something?
@Gunner boss very good questions. I wonder what sort of imput Pat Rice has. He was a defensive player if i remember correctly. Do you think Wenger listens to him with all his experience or runs the entire show.
@ICE – I seriously dont know what happens between them, I guess WENGER runs the show.
I remember we reached the UEFA finals cos one of our former defenders was spying on the other teams and giving WENGER good feedback, which he surprisingly adhered to strictly.
(Remember HENRY had the chance to put us 2-0 up, but I dont know what was wrong with that guy at times…was it cos he wanted to leave?)When credit was lavished on the guy, WENGER became jealous and sacked him……Were are we now? We cant play like that anymore, WHY?
Then we lost PIRES and ARSENAL FC came crashing down.
M UPSON is good, i like him too.
Where are we now? Sorry
nice job 🙂
@POLUMENTA – nice job to andy? Pls try and be specific to whoever u want to address
Yeah well done, got rid of £40 nicely there didn’t you. Burn all the shirts you want. Ade is a God and took your pathetic little team apart.
As for your accent – ermmm… very North London. Well done.
My brother uses these smileys
;oD :-/ ;o) 🙁
Not working?
last year when there were roomers that ade will go to barca i so hoped he’d leave, because i always thought he was bad for the team, he’s lack of team spirit and desire to play for Arsenal. I was happy when he went to man c. all the morrons united. beside that he prooved he’s an jackass. fuck him, who cares for him, he will never be one of the great, he’s just some payed player and a clumsy one and an arse!
Well done mate your a legend for filming this haha!
+ having his kit is one big waste of money, at least the burning felt good 🙂
@ICE – still there?
new post
Fuck Adebayor, and fuck City they sold their dignity.
Nice one 😉
Toure should be the next 😀
The shirt was really but that was the right decision!
The shirt was really cool but that was the right decision!
burn his shirt, burn his skills
Great work, but you had to cut logo Arsenal during the burn
We should all pitch in and buy him all the arsenal shirts from tell 2024 !!
Well done. I don’t have an Ade jersey. However, this makes me want to buy one just so I can burn it too.
Oh, you just burnt 100$ shirt just because of your one-time madness…
Whew… you could use that for a dog…
anyone who brought a adebayor shirt should do this to and put it on youtube
adebayor el arsenal no necesita de ti, el equipo q te hizo crecer no merece
That’s hilarious Andy.
he deseve it lol
adebayor es un ctm q no sabe que es amar a la camiseta y no sabe que es tenerle cariño a la inchadad q gritaba sus goles y su nombre gritarle un gol jamas esa wea es de un puto cagon q no sabe mas q ganar dinero esa es la gran diferencia entre adebayor y cesc es que adebayor juega por el dinero y cesc juega por el club eso seria aguante arsenal ….
the burning of his shirt is totally bad. why? because he is African? Did you burn Henry Thiery’s when he left Arsenal? Is Adebayor the first player to leave Arsenal. Then burn even Toure’s.
gentlemen, we lost and we should be proud of Adebayor, it is Arsenal who contributed largely to where he is today. So I would rather prefer seeing that jersey 25 with Adebayor to remind many fans(s0ccer) that he Arsenal product.
Let us fairly treat players not in accordance to their background.
adebayor es un ctm q no sabe que es amar a la camiseta y no sabe que es tenerle cariño a la inchada q gritaba sus goles y su nombre gritarle un gol jamas esa wea es de un puto cagon q no sabe mas q ganar dinero esa es la gran diferencia entre adebayor y cesc es que adebayor juega por el dinero y cesc juega por el club eso seria aguante el arsenal…. verte en vivo es una locura y verte en cielo jugar es un placer
the problem is “we failed”. the burning of his shirt is totally bad. why? because he is African? Did you burn Henry Thiery’s when he left Arsenal? Is Adebayor the first player to leave Arsenal. Then burn even Toure’s.
gentlemen, we lost and we should be proud of Adebayor, it is Arsenal who contributed largely to where he is today. So I would rather prefer seeing that jersey 25 with Adebayor to remind many fans(s0ccer) that he Arsenal product.
Let us fairly treat players not in accordance to
So you’re pissed that a foreign player came and played for an English team full of foreigners and then moved to Man City, for money I can only assume… it’s a bit sad and pathetic really, were you expecting him to devote his career to Arsenal?!?! You just burnt your supposed beloved Arsenal shirt because it had his name and number on the back, wise move in hindsight?
He has left Arsenal for a club which is going to have a better chance at claiming the title, you got money out of his deal – invest it!
@Spurs….Get the hell out of this blogg
I’m really not angry about that… I find it really funny that you burnt your beloved Arsenal shirt just because it had Ade’s name on the back. Did you not consider peeling the name and number off if you’re that obsessed with hating him?
The burning was great but a pin filled plasticine figure of the dark one would have just added the personal touch!
You’re a cock. Go buy some shorts for the love of God. You look like a total knob end
i agree with zac arte, you should put it on an ugly dog.
cheers mate
You are all petty.
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А она сломалась у меня в тот ведь день – гарантии никакой не дали. Просто почта пришла с коробкой, а там все на китайском. Прописал в торговый центр этот, ответили, что обращайтесь в сервис центр, хотя у меня ни документов на руках нет, ничего. Как возможно приструнить этот онлайн магазин? Есть ли некие компетентные органы, что писать. Куда писать, кому писать. Ошибся, да, надо было в магазине нормальном купить, хотя необходимой мне модели просто не было, да и дешевле в интернет-магазине. А вот теперь сижу у разбитого корыта. Подскажите, что делать.
Burn the shirt all you want, I’m fine with that but you should have cut off the Arsenal crest before burning it as that is just like burning the Union Jack.
I personally agree that you should have done that to anything with Greedebayor’s name on. I personally tried to defend him when he first left but after that game I swiftly withdrew my support and I think him no better than Cashley
It`s a pity that Adecryor wasn`t wearing the shirt.One of the most despicable footballer ever to play in the PL.
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