While it may have been announced a little while ago the new Arsenal away kit officially goes on sale today. For those who have been living in a cave for the past month or so (I’m looking at you Travis Johnstone) the new Arsenal kit is a dark blue number with pinstripes and I have to admit I’m quite a fan. A few people have commented that it looks a bit like a golf shirt but I think it looks great.
If you’re like me and you like the look of the new away kit modeled so beautifully by Cesc Fabregas then you can order it at Kitbag today.
Aside from there’s a little bit going on.
Away kit model Fabregas’ Spain succumbed to a shock 2-0 loss to the USA that broke their 15-game winning streak and saw them miss out on a place in the Confederations Cup final at the Americans expense. Both goals were a bit calamatous from a Spanish point of view and the result means we’ve been denied the possibility of a Spain v Brazil game that would have been quite an event. Fair play to the USA though, they’ve been brilliant since the Egypt game and have really brought something to the tournament.
Brazil play South Africa in the other semi-final tonight and I will be watching.
Moving on and everybody’s favourite agent Stephane Courbis has been at it again, claiming that a “very important team” is after Emmanuel Adebayor. He went on to say that neither Manchester United, Chelsea or Milan have shown any interest and if he’s telling the truth – which is highly debatable, mind you – it might well be Real Madrid who are this so-called “important” team. It seems about the right environment for a man with a stinky attitude and with the sort of cash that Florentino Perez is throwing around it’s certainly a possibility. Either way, I sincerely hope Courbis shuts up soon because he irritates me beyond belief.
Anyway, I might leave it there in a bit of a brief one. Enjoy your Thursday and I’ll speak to you tomorrow.
Have your say on the new away kit or Adebayor by leaving a comment.
Lol i got the away shirt yesterday from the post office in Denmark.
@ Christian – You sneaky bugger. Well done though, how does it look?
Ahhh Travis Johnstone. He’s been in a cave for about 16 months. Where are Madrid getting all their money from? Can’t wait to get my 23 Arshavin Away shirt.
Also Wolfman.
agree with you about Roland Courbis. The man is a complete disgrace…
@ chico – Agreed, but where’d you get “Roland” from?!
@ Panda Bear – I love you.
I like the colour and the pin stripes but im not a fan of collars. I love our away strip from last season.
The ADE saga, meh…….sounds like its gunner be the same as last year.
You didn’t answer my question.
@ Panda Bear – They get it from a big piggy bank.
@ Spanish Fry – Yeah I am a bit sneaky 😉 I actually think it looks quite good. It is much better than the proposed green one from the 80’s. But I have Arshavin on it, so it makes it all a bit better.
@ Christian – Really? No Bendtner? I’m disappointed!
@ Spanish Fry – Haha, I’ll just get bullied if I’m wearing him.
@ Christian – 🙁
@ Spanish Fry – He (Super Nick) will come good.. No doubt. I’m taking him on the new 3rd strip. 😀
@ SF & Christian – Ahh that’s it… I’m getting Bendtner on mine now. You’ve convinced me Christian
i went to the Arsenal store here in Bahrain yesterday and they were only taking pre-orders coz the shirts are coming next month…sad..(-_-‘) i really dont like the new shirt mainly coz of the collar and i was overjoyed beyond relief that it ddnt have the chest padding that chelsea did xD i’m getting walcott on mine :p
oh btw..this Arsenal store just opened and at the entrance theres a huge picture of walcott,cesc,almunia and ade standing in a line with and i INVOLUNTARILY thought to myself……”ade shouldnt be there xD cheers everyone :p
I’ve got SONG on the back of mine…
HE will become our best midfielder soon!
@ jordie – Nice one.
Anyone have an opinion on the Adebayor-Real Madrid suggestion? I realise it’s a bit naughty bringing it up but if Courbis isn’t lying then who is the club he is referring to?
1) courbis is lying…
as he always does – but in the end he is just trying to do best for his player…$$
I personally think the French/German teams would be interested…Bayern need a tall striker…Klose is gettting old.
Ade to accrington stanley! (who are they you might ask)
i’m gettin pat rice on the back of mine. what a guy not just because he is irish.
Even Real Madrid are not that stupid to squander their money on a one-season wonder mercenary.
I love d blue colour but i dont like d collars,gibbs on mine,as for courbis i believe he’s doing a good job,we need d money badly we need new players in d team which i believe we can achive throuhg ade sale.
Gotta say I really dislike the way they keep changing the away strip. There is absoltutely nothing ‘Arsenal’ about this strip. Could be any team. If they’re gonna bring out new strips every season, why not stick to our heritage and reflect our original away strips. Are we Chelsea in disguise? Rant over!
@PandaBear WOLFMAN!!!
I dislike the away shirt. The one from the past season is the best away shirt I think Arsenal have ever had. This one is crappy looking.
I’ve already concluded that Corbis is probably one of the most deluded agents out there.
Can you imagine the kind of sage advice that he gives his clients.
I’ve ordered my away shirt, hope to get it in a day or two. Mine will obviously have Bendtner on the back, as I’m his biggest fan.
I’m looking forward to seeing what the new third strip looks like.
I’ve bought the away one for my son but will choose between that and the new third one for myself.
@ Fatboy – Hahah. You berk.
does any know when the third strip is released?
Im working n getting a RVP one though Arshavin is tempting…
Plz can someone tell FAB that we re tired of of him wanting to leave, leave,leave. I personally urge him to plz plz plz pack his bag and move on as we dont want him to derail our plans for the new season as i will say enough is enough of Fab’s comments like the “IMPOTENCE” of our wonderful club.
plz quickly highlight your take on FAB. He is Pissing Loads of us off
I am having Arshavin on my home shirt but I dont know who to have on my Away shirt – I was thinking Fabregas because I havent got a Fabregas shirt yet but I also have a feeling about Song. What do you guys think??? And About the Ade situation, bring on Madrid, they will offer something like 25 mil, so thats fine with me.
@MYWAY – Every week the media say Fabregas wants to leave and every week Fabregas has to declare his loyalty to Arsenal and when I read that comment, I just shrugged it off. Cesc has made it quite clear he is happy at Arsenal and wants to honour his contract. He loves being captain and its just the media sturring things up. I am not worried at all, and I know full well Cesc will be at the Emirates next season so its just the media, they need stories and most of them involve Cesc. and he is just as annoyed as we are. So I advise you to jus forget about it, he has stated he isnt interested in joining Real and Barca and wants to stay here on several times since the seasons end.
I luv it but i pray &hope it help us to atleast win champons or premier league
@ MYWAY – Regarding Cesc Fabregas’ comments, read the following post from Arseblogger. It puts everything into perspective.
i stil prefer last season’s jerseys.this new one is kinda ish ish 2 me
I don’t really cherish blue. 2007/08 kit was the best.
This kit is sexy. I’m definately ordering one of these. I think I’ll go plain on the back though. Maybe I’ll finally pick up the home kit with Sanga though.
i like the new arsenal kit but as for adebayor it is ggo if he leaves more so to madrid since we may get good money and also give adesire of a more experienced striker.
new kit is crap,ade, agent just an idiot stirring things up and if cesc did say those things in todays paper then he can pack his bags and trot off back to spain if he wants out of arsenal.
MYWAY – there’s no story there mate.
Is there a way to get a Arshavin10 shirt?
Blue pinstripe – aagh – What next -a Prince of Wales mauve check ?
Anyway enough of the sartorial debate and on to football
A question for anyone who watches Madrid and Spain on the box regularly
Is it me or is Sergio Ramos – the golden boy of Spanish defenders – actually crap ?
Anicoll5 – the whole Spanish defense (including Cassilas) was shocking last night.
What are the odds of SA beating Brazil tonight 🙂
I must admit that I’m not a big fan of the new shirt either.
The blue and yellow we’ve had this season is my favourite away kit of all time – and I’m really unhappy that it’ll be replaced by this ‘generic’ away shirt 🙁
As for Adebayor to Real, I can’t really see it happening. With the level of players that team is purchasing, I don’t see the added value of them buying Adebayor – it’d make more sense going for Villa or some other star striker, no?
Apparently its referring to AC, which isn’t really new news.
But here’s what BBC had to say:AC Milan have confirmed they would be interested in Arsenal striker Emmanuel Adebayor if they fail to sign their number one target, Wolfsburg’s Edin Dzeko. (Press Association)
I’m from the US and that game was brilliant. Calamatous might not be quite the right word to use. the build up to both goals was classy at least even if the final pass and shots were somewhat fortunate. It’s amazing how many fans the US has when we’re winning. But thanks for speaking of our biggest win ever even if it was just because of Cesc.
I like the away kit. I think it’s classy.
The US v Spain game was amazing. I clapped when Fabregas came out of the game and people were asking me why I was so happy and I explained that he didn’t get hurt and my club team needs him to stay fit. That turned into an afternoon of explaining Arsenal to my friends. May have some new supporters…
ADE – tell your agent to shut it. If he leaving then best of luck, if he’s leaving PLEASE make sure he’s not in the Premiership. Tired of it already.
Nice kit – but I like last seasons away kit better…
Not sure about the colllar, a bit like the England ‘tennis’ kit.
Apart from that it’s ok.
Man! the shirt looks like something u would wear to an ambassador’s dinner!am torn between putting Dudu or adopting Manny Pacquiao on the back!..might have to get two!if only the Bangladeshis could hurry up!
Thanks to all you out there that relaxed my anger towards FAB4, I will blast my anger on the media for almost frustrating my day.
To Spain V USA yesterday,the game was wicked, I will urge AW to quickly enquire about ONYEWU the USA defender, to me that man was the man of that match, he has all it takes to be the best defender in the world. He might go for as little as $5m .
Yes Sergio Ramos is crap. I honestly think there is a correlation between how much a player cares about his hair and how crap he is. Ronaldo, Ramos… All are way overrated IMO
Re: Sergio Ramos – He’s an interesting player. I don’t think he’s ‘crap’ but he certainly has his off days. Personally I think he’s a better central defender than a right back and I wouldn’t be surprised if he and Raul Albiol make up the two centre-half positions for next season.
@ MYWAY – No problem dude. My advice is to always be sceptical of quotes and news stories.
Come on guys! Spain did enough to win that game. Did you see how many shots were blocked? The midfielders and defenders threw their bodies at everyone of them. Usually one of those deflected shots would end up in the net, but luck had it never did. Also US players played out of their skins, you got to admit. Ramos is a great player, we can’t judge him for one moment of insanity. Brazil just survived.
Hey, the kit looks presentable. I would buy it.
@ GetGunMN – the reason the US won is becuse the defence was immense, didnt srop for a single moment, Onewyu and DeMerit were world class, and everyone threw their bodies at everthing, Spain however were casual and they didnt do enough to win, wasnt the urgency, however they are still the best national team in the world.
@ MYWAY – No doubt the media will have another “Cesc wants out” story soon but try to ignore it, he will always come out and reassure us fans so i never worry anymore about stories like that.
On a rather sad not, King of Pop, Michael Jackson has sadly died from a heart attack, shocking news to everyone. R.I.P x
Ramos has continuously failed at CB. They tried it vs Barca in the 6-2 drubbing this year… He used to be a solid player but he does not have the mentality needed IMO.
It’s a smart shirt, but is it me, our players will look like Match officials? Bring back the Redcurrant shirt strip.Ade to Real Madrid, exactly where he belongs with that other poseur, Ronaldo.
I could always use another golf shirt. Why not an Arsenal one? Come on you Gunners!
I think the media shld stop evil thinking abot Cesc leaving Arsenal. He stated clearly zat, he has to win somethings for Arsenal b4 he go anywhere. Allow me to remind the media bout Arsenal during the time of the gurus like Reyes,Kanu, Viera,Pires,Anelk,Edu, Gliverto,Campell,Henry etc you were they one praising Arsenal but now u have turn yr back at it but zatis not case now. U know what those boys plays real score.
just got this shirt =D i got fabregas 4 printed on the back, i really hope he stays hahaha!
Its definatley a great looking shirt, although I do prefer the 3rd shirt this time round if I am honest! (perhaps I just fancy a change!)
It looks great, i want one!